Each circuit consists of 1 rounds of 6 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down) This is a NO REPEAT WORKOUT!
WARM UP: 3-5min
Double Pulse Front Loaded Lunge
Tricep Extensions
Hammer Curls
Squat Paddlers
Triple Pulse Squat
Weighted Bridge Pulses (x3)
Hand Release Pushups
Butt Kickers
Plank Shoulder Taps
REST (2 minutes ish) 90-120 seconds
Bent Over Row
Jumping Jacks
High Knee Runs
Lunge to Kick Up (x4) Switch
Log Hop Overs
Quick Feet + 1 Burpee
Oblique Pulls (switch half)
Weighted Plank Pulls
I forgot one-BLANK! (in case you only counted 8)
REST (2 minutes ish) 90-120 seconds
Lateral Raises
Oblique Jacks
Lateral Shuffles
Dumbbell Front Raises
Supine Chest Fly
Bird Dog (switch halfway)
Traveling Pushup
REST: 1min
COOL DOWN: 3-5min
Up Next in ALL
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Mult...
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Emma"
WARM UP: 3-5min
4 Rows to Burpee
DB hold Alternating Forward Lunge
Supine Lat Pull OversREST: 2min
(x4) Planks Jacks to Spidermans
Reverse Lunge to Squat Jump
Single Arm held up Reverse Lu... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Mult...
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Heather"
WARM UP: 3-5min
Star Jacks to Squat Pulses
Burpee Jump over weight X2
DB Squat to Alternating Front RaiseREST: 2min
DB Overhead Reverse Lunge (x4 down)
Squat to Front Kick + Knee Lift
... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Mult...
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Mel"
WARM UP: 3-5min
(x8) Hammer Curls to (x8) Jacks
(x6) Row to (x1) Up/Down
(x2) Bicep Curls Out/In + Shoulder PressREST: 2min
DB Alternating Underhand Thruster
DeadLift to Upright Row
DB Hold...