Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)
WARM UP: 3-5min
(x8) Hammer Curls to (x8) Jacks
(x6) Row to (x1) Up/Down
(x2) Bicep Curls Out/In + Shoulder Press
REST: 2min
DB Alternating Underhand Thruster
DeadLift to Upright Row
DB Hold + Step Back Lunge Pulse (x2)
REST: 3min
Lateral Lunges
Supine Chest Press to Scissors (x8)
Quick Feet + Skater + Mountain Climber (x8)
REST: 1min
COOL DOWN: 3-5min
REST: 1min
COOL DOWN: 3-5min
Up Next in ALL
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Mult...
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Sheena"
WARM UP (3-5 min)
Weighted Jacks
Up & Down Planks to Commando Walks
(x4) Shoulder Press to 2 PushupsREST: 2min
Bicep Curl to Reverse Row (x4)
Dumbbell Rotation to High Knees
Goblet Squat... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Mult...
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Mandi"
WARM UP: 3-5minReverse Tap/Lunge Shoulder Raises
Plank Commando to Shoulder Tap
Tricep Overhead extension to Weighted Knee TucksREST: 2min
Reverse Lunge to Bicep Curl + Hammer Curl
Weig... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Mult...
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Rachael"
WARM UP: 3-5min
DB Skaters to Jacks
R/L Lateral Squat to Reach Ups
R/L Double Pulse Forward & Back Lunges
REST: 2minDB held up scissor to Long Crunch
Shoulder Taps to Penguins
V-sit Chop...