5 Minute Movements; Special Equipment // Step
Episode 1
We'll be doing 5 different movements utilizing the STEP for 50sec, with a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1.) Alternating Step up 2.) L Step up 3.) R Step up 4.) R Step out 5.) L Step out
5 Minute Movement; Special Equipment // Foam Roller // Lower Body
Episode 2
We'll be doing 5 different movements utilizing the foam roller for 50sec, with a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1.) Hamstrings 2.) Calves 3.) Upper leg 4.) R Glute 5.) L Glute
05:51Episode 3
5 Minute Movements; Quick Movement
Episode 3
No Equipment needed for this video. We'll be doing 5 different quick movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1. Marches 2. Low Side Steps 3. Side Step Punches 4. Jack Pulls 5. Oblique Jacks
5 Minute Movement; Weighted // Upper Body
Episode 4
You will needed weights, or body weight for this video. We'll be doing 5 different movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1. Bicep Curls 2. Shoulder Press 3. Supported Rows 4. Tricep Kickback 5. Underhand Grip Front Raise
05:59Episode 5
5 Minute Movement; Gentle Movement
Episode 5
No Equipment needed for this video. We'll be doing 5 different gentle movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1.) Neck Rolls Side to Side 2.) Chin Tucks 3.) Neck Rolls 4.) Hug to Chest Openers 5.) R'L Neck Diagonals
06:04Episode 6
5 Minute Movements; Quick Movement
Episode 6
No Equipment needed for this video. We'll be doing 5 different quick movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1. Quick Curtsy Reachers 2. Hop Overs 3. R Knee Lift to Reverse Lunge 4. L Knee Lift to Reverse Lunge 5. Jacks
05:56Episode 7
5 Minute Movements; Gentle Movement
Episode 7
No Equipment needed for this video. We'll be doing 5 different gentle movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1.) Bicep Curl Tap Backs 2.) Shoulder Press to Forward Lung 3.) Palms Up Rotations 4.) Reverse Tap Cross Overs 5.) Dive...
06:20Episode 8
5 Minute Movements; Floor Core
Episode 8
50 seconds of work, with a 10 second transition time
1. Cat Cow
2. Down Dogs
3. Seated V Side to Side
4. Supine Glute Rockers
5. Snow Angles -
5 Minute Movement; Joyful Movement [Gasolina]
Episode 9
One song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
05:54Episode 10
5 Minute Movements; Floor Core
Episode 10
50 seconds of work, with a 10 second transition time
1. Bird Dogs
2. Dead Bugs
3. Penguins
4. Supermans
5. Alternating Knee Bends -
05:34Episode 11
5 Minute Movement; Quick Movement
Episode 11
50 seconds of work, with a 10 second transition time
1. Grapevine
2. Forward Balance Steps
3. Marches
4. Up and Down Punches
5. Directional Jogs -
5 Minute Movement; Joyful Movement [VHS Hero]
Episode 12
One song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
5 Minute Movement; Joyful Movement [Here we go]
Episode 13
One song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
05:30Episode 14
5 Minute Movements; Seated Exercises
Episode 14
"50 seconds of work, with a 10 second transition time
1. Side Bends
2. Stir the Pot
3. T Openers
4. Jacks
5. Up & Overs -
06:06Episode 15
5 Minute Movements; Angry Movement
Episode 15
50 seconds of work, 10 second transition time.
1. Side to side throws
2. Quick feet Down
3. Throw Downs
4. Batter Turns
5. Punches -
05:36Episode 16
5 Minute Movements; Standing Core
Episode 16
50 seconds of work, with a 10 second transition time
1. Side to side Wipers
2. High Reaches
3. Squat to Heel Touch
4. Single Leg Abduction (1/2)
5. Pelvic Tucks -
05:43Episode 17
5 Minute Movements; Gentle Movement
Episode 17
5 moves, 50 seconds with a 10 second transition. No Equipment Needed
1. Step in out + Hands
2. Draw Swords (R/L)
3. Low Impact Runs
4. Hip Abduction Balance (R/L)
5. Marches -
05:35Episode 18
5 Minute Movements; Gentle Movement
Episode 18
5 moves, 50 seconds with a 10 second transition. No Equipment Needed
1. Gentle Rotation
2. Side to side Arm Raises
3. R/L Lateral Lunges
4. Run in Place
5. Step Back Arm Opener -
03:46Episode 19
5 minute movement; Joyful Movement [Tremor]
Episode 19
One song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
05:28Episode 20
5 Minute Movement; Gentle Movement
Episode 20
No Equipment needed for this video. We'll be doing 5 different gentle movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session!
1.) Alternating Step Back Openers
2.) Side to Side Neck Stretch
3.) Step Back Crosses (X)
4.) Inner Thigh Stretch Shoul... -
5 Minute Movements; Joyful Movement [We should start right now]
Episode 21
One song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
5 Minute Movements; Joyful Movement [Americas' Sweetheart]
Episode 22
One song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
5 Minute Movement: Special Equipment // Jump Rope
Episode 23
We'll be doing 6 different jump rope exercises for 30 seconds with a 15 second rest break in between.
1.) Double Jump 2.) Side to Side Hop Touch 3.) High Knee Skip 4.) Double Side to Side 5.) Up & Back 6.) High Knee Single Leg
I will also teach you how to size your rope in the introduction. Feel... -
05:23Episode 24
5 Minute Movements; Gentle Movement
Episode 24
No Equipment needed for this video. We'll be doing 5 different gentle movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session!
1.) Knee Bends to Sunnies
2.) Side to Side Reaches
3.) Chest & Back Opener
4.) Broadway Openers
5.) Side to Side Neck B...