5 Minute Movement; Special Equipment // Medicine Ball
Episode 1
We'll be doing 5 different movements utilizing the Medicine Ball for [50] sec, with a [15] sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1.) Ball Hold Squats 2.) Lunges (R/L) 3.) Meddy Ball Slams 4.) Push Ups 5.) Crunch Up & Lift
5 Minute Movement; Light Weights / Total Body
Episode 2
We'll be doing 5 different Light Weight movements for 50sec, with a 20sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session!
1.) Side Stretch Pulls (R)
2.) Side Stretch Pulls (L)
3.) Squat to x4 Punches
4.) Step Out + Lift Up and Outs
5.) Side Jabs _ Quick Feet (R/L) -
07:53Episode 3
5 Minute Movement; Joyful Movement
Episode 3
Two song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
No Repeat (No Equipment Endurance) Intermediate 45; Cherry
Episode 4
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (40" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit.
Warm up and Cool down will be included. -
No Repeat Dumbbell Workout // Total Body, Intermediate 45; Red Hots
Episode 5
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (40" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit.
Warm up and Cool down will be included. -
No Repeat Dumbbell Workout // Total Body, Intermediate 45; Cumulonimbus
Episode 6
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (40" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit.
Warm up and Cool down will be included. -
No Repeat Dumbbell Workout // Total Body, Intermediate 45; Wetland
Episode 7
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (40" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit.
Warm up and Cool down will be included. -
No Repeat Dumbbell Workout // Total Body, Intermediate 45; Rooibos Tea
Episode 8
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (40" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit.
Warm up and Cool down will be included. -
No Repeat Dumbbell Workout // Total Body, Intermediate 45; Balloons
Episode 9
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (45" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit. Warm up & Cool Down will be included.
No Repeat One Dumbbell // Total Body, Intermediate 45; Hexagon
Episode 10
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (45" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit.
No Repeat Standing Workout, Intermediate 30; Marble
Episode 11
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Dumbbells + Mat and support/incline if needed.
Circuit 1: (1 Round)
1.) DB Knee to Elbow (R)
2.) DB Knee to Elbow (L)
3.) Single DB DeadLift to High Hold Step Back Lunge
4.) DB Lateral Lunges
5.) Sta... -
No Repeat Standing Workout, Beginner 45; Limestone
Episode 12
In this 45 minute workout, you'll be completing 6 circuits of total body exercises. (40" Work / 15" Rest) with a 50" rest break in between each circuit.
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Lauren" 45
Episode 13
Each circuit consists of 1 rounds of 6 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down) This is a NO REPEAT WORKOUT!"Lauren"
WARM UP: 3-5min
Double Pulse Front Loaded Lunge
Tricep Extensions
Hammer Curls
Squat Paddlers
Triple Pulse Squat
Weighted Bridge Pulses (x3)
Hand Release ... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Emma" 45
Episode 14
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Emma"
WARM UP: 3-5min
4 Rows to Burpee
DB hold Alternating Forward Lunge
Supine Lat Pull OversREST: 2min
(x4) Planks Jacks to Spidermans
Reverse Lunge to Squat Jump
Single Arm held up Reverse Lu... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Heather" 45
Episode 15
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Heather"
WARM UP: 3-5min
Star Jacks to Squat Pulses
Burpee Jump over weight X2
DB Squat to Alternating Front RaiseREST: 2min
DB Overhead Reverse Lunge (x4 down)
Squat to Front Kick + Knee Lift
... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Mel" 45
Episode 16
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Mel"
WARM UP: 3-5min
(x8) Hammer Curls to (x8) Jacks
(x6) Row to (x1) Up/Down
(x2) Bicep Curls Out/In + Shoulder PressREST: 2min
DB Alternating Underhand Thruster
DeadLift to Upright Row
DB Hold... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Sheena" 45
Episode 17
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Sheena"
WARM UP (3-5 min)
Weighted Jacks
Up & Down Planks to Commando Walks
(x4) Shoulder Press to 2 PushupsREST: 2min
Bicep Curl to Reverse Row (x4)
Dumbbell Rotation to High Knees
Goblet Squat... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / "Mandi" 45
Episode 18
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Mandi"
WARM UP: 3-5minReverse Tap/Lunge Shoulder Raises
Plank Commando to Shoulder Tap
Tricep Overhead extension to Weighted Knee TucksREST: 2min
Reverse Lunge to Bicep Curl + Hammer Curl
Weig... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Rachael" 45
Episode 19
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Rachael"
WARM UP: 3-5min
DB Skaters to Jacks
R/L Lateral Squat to Reach Ups
R/L Double Pulse Forward & Back Lunges
REST: 2minDB held up scissor to Long Crunch
Shoulder Taps to Penguins
V-sit Chop... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Sarah" 45
Episode 20
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Sarah"
WARM UP: 3-5min
Skaters + Cross Steps (x8)
Reverse Lunge Step Back Rockets (R/L)
Low Star JacksREST: 2min
Lateral Thrusters
Double Squat Toe/Knee Touch
Bridge to Chest PressREST: 2min
2 ... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Anne" 45
Episode 21
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)
"Anne"WARM UP: 3-5min
Lateral Tap Back Lunges + Heismans
Hand Release Pushup to Burpees
Thrusters to Reverse Lunge Presses (x4)REST: 2min
(x4) Shoulder taps to Plank Jacks
Leg Lowers to Horizonta... -
LIVE Group Fitness; Total Body / Multi-Level / HIIT / No Repeat "Amy" 45
Episode 22
Each circuit consists of 3 rounds of 3 exercises (45" Work / 15" Rest)
(plus warm up & cool down)"Amy"
WARM UP: 3-5min
6 High Knees to Burpee
Up and Down Squat to Squat Jump
DB Chest PressREST: 2min
Alternating Lunge to Jump Squat
DB Suitcase Squat to Hammer curl Press
Upright Row to Front R... -
38:01Episode 23
HIIT Advanced Allie 45; Total Body
Episode 23
40 sec work / 10 seconds break, 3 rounds each
49:11Episode 24
HIIT Advanced Mayra 45; Total Body
Episode 24
In this HIIT workout, we'll be doing 12 exercises for 4 rounds. The work/rest ratios are 35/15but always take a rest break when you need it!