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Two song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.
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5 Minute Movement; Special Equipment ...
We'll be doing 5 different movements utilizing the TRAMPOLINE for 1 min on, with a rest break whenever you need it. I hope you enjoy this session! 1.) Basic Bounce 2.) Runs 3.) Double Jumps 4.) Double Front Punches 5.) Double Speed Bags
5 Minute Movement; Special Equipment ...
We'll be doing 5 different movements utilizing the BROOM STICK for 50 sec, with a 20 sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session!
1.) Up & Overs
2.) Rotations
3.) Side to Side
4.) Hamstring
5.) R/L Tricep -
5 Minute Movement; Joyful Movement
Two song to dance along with to get your body moving and your joints lubricated.