We'll be doing 5 different movements utilizing the JUMP ROPE for 30 sec, with a 15 sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session!
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5 Minute Movement; Quick Movement
No Equipment needed for this video. We'll be doing 5 different quick movements for 50sec, then take a 10sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1. High Knee Pulls 2. Standing Side Pulls 3. Up & Down Punches 4. Side to Side Lateral Punches 5. Cross Body Punches
5 Minute Movement; Weighted // Upper ...
We'll be doing 5 different weighted UPPER BODY movements for 50sec, with a 15sec rest break to transition to the next. I hope you enjoy this session! 1.) Hammer Curl 2.) Alt Arnold Press 3.) Tricep Extensions 4.) Bicep Servers 5.) Chest Press Jacks
5 Minute Movement; Floor Stretch
We'll be doing 5 different Floor Stretches for 50sec, with a 20sec rest break to transition to the next.
50 seconds of work, with a 20 second transition time
1. Froggers
2. Childs Pose Prayer Hands
3. Supine Snow Angels to Windshield Wipers
4. Supine R Rotation
5. Supine L Rotation